Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Needing a last minute gift? The new book is in!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Could God have done that?
This book posits its answer to those questions as a concluded fact that is not debated (within the book, at least). However, this author studied and personally debated such questions before writing the book. Some readers may summarily dismiss the many different worlds described in The Chronicles of Narnia as mere fantasy in a children's series, having nothing to do with that author's Christian theology. That assessment would be too hasty. C.S. Lewis was a deep thinker, and he doubtless studied and reached a conclusion that "liberated" him to write that type of fiction. Our own study of such questions has certainly liberated us to write this type of fiction.
Consider that, according to the Holy Scriptures, God is perfect and has not ever changed in His fundamental nature or character. Indeed, He cannot ever change, for it would be a departure from perfection, and such would be against His own self revelation to us (it would be a deviation from what He has declared in His word). Since God does not change, then what is the fundamental nature or character from which He never departs? Is His basic nature that of a lazy being who is not very creative, who naturally tends to sit in total inactivity, creating nothing?
Look around. Countless life forms abound on this world alone. Modern science has not even discovered all of them yet. No, lazy and uncreative is not who He is. His creativity is boundless.
So, why did Moses, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, write that God "rested" on the seventh day after His having worked for six days to create all that we see around us? Scholars with linguistic skill have pointed out that the Hebrew context, and the word for "rest" shown there, give a connotation of Him having completed the work to perfection. He first envisioned what He wanted to do, and then, once He was done, He stopped working simply because it was perfect.
Bear in mind that the utter lack of perfection in the sin-cursed world we now inhabit is all due to the sin of humankind (of which the first sins were committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden that was eastward in Eden). God did not rest because He was lazy, or tired, or was basically a non-working, non-creative being. No, He stopped because the job was done. It does not mean He stopped all creative work elsewhere. If he simply stopped all creating (as a permanent cessation), then the massive burst of creating that caused this universe (and all the life we see here) would have represented a colossal departure from His character and nature.
God created this world as a perfect place which could have been enjoyed for eternity. Were it not for human sin, which "messed up" the place, no more work from God would have been needed here. He is now at work fixing it. Yet that does not even hint that He could not have, or would not have, continued to create elsewhere. He has to have done more. It is His nature. This author cannot imagine that God so creative as to have given us this massive display of life... just sitting on His laurels for all eternity. Not only is He creative, but He also has made us as creative beings as well. Thus, authors such as C.S. Lewis and yours truly imagine other realms. Check out the creation in this novel. The liberated reader will love it. The "literary Taliban" (as my friend, Roy H. Williams, once dubbed them) will no doubt send us out for the firing squad, as we've shown way too much creativity and had way too much fun. Which type of reader are you?
Saturday, December 18, 2010
New release: Tesseract
Tesseract by Doug Joseph (Book Two of the Millennial Teleport Trilogy)
TesseractBook Two of the Millennial Teleport Trilogyby Doug JosephDaniel & Tess are childhood sweethearts who finally marry. Meanwhile, in another space-time, on an untainted world called Sset, the Corlan (a sinless race blessed with genetic memory) govern a paradise that has never felt the bitter sting of death. Back on sin-cursed Earth, Tess and Daniel are childless. Although they are well acquainted with pain and loss, their relationship is solid, and they live their life to the fullest in service to God and others. Fast forward over a thousand years into the future, when an unspeakable evil arises on Sset, devastating the moon world’s surface and decimating the Corlan population. Yet the Creator of both that universe and ours was not caught off guard. He’s had Daniel and Tess in mind for saving the Corlan species from extinction since before either realm was created. Although our world has had visitors from that one, this is the first time in history that it’s gone the other way. Teleport with Tess and Daniel to a place beyond time, space, and imagination. Tesseract will transform you in mind-stretching ways.For Young Adults and UpClassifications: Fiction, Christian, Futuristic | Science-Fiction | Adventure | RomanceNew Immortal
Book One of the Millennial Teleport Trilogyby Doug Josephtags in the database -->“Broadened my horizons....” —Dave Norris (professor, Urshan Graduate School of Theology, St Louis, MO).
“Forget James Bond and Jason Bourne.” —Roy H. Williams (“Wizard of Ads”, founder of Wizard Academy).
Daniel Talbot is a teleporting, spy-chasing, miracle-working immortal who serves in the royal court of Jesus during the prophesied Millennial Kingdom age. It’s quite a ride...
Mixing sci-fi with amazing Christian eschatology, Doug Joseph takes readers on a wild adventure in an unflinching look at humanity, demons, prophecy, and salvation. Explore a paradise-like earth where high-tech is not enough. Fictional characters, set in a prophetic age yet to come, watch the ultimate evil arise as predicted, and find out just what they’re made of, and just what God has planned to do about it.For Young Adults and Up
Classifications: Fiction, Christian, Futuristic| Science-Fiction | Christian Prophecy
Thursday, December 16, 2010
From Bro and Sis Tucker:
Thanks for helping us pray!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Please pray for Mike Turkovich!
Please pray for Dee Allen
Please pray for Dee Allen. She has a tumor on the right side of her brain. It is two centimeters in size. They don’t know if it is cancerous or not. Thanks, CAC, for praying.-Bro and Sis Tucker
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Fixed: Firefox 3.6.8 will not open new window
For those who are using Firefox, and having trouble wherein new (additional) windows will not open, here was my fix:
The followings steps instantly fixed my problem. (This worked for me using Firefox 3.6.8 on a Win XP Pro system.)
1. Start Firefox.
2. Click Tools, then Add-ons
3. If you have more than one Java Console active, disable all but the latest one (highest version number).
Unrelated diatribe:
I am currently using two laptops. I am slowly leaving a Windows (XP Pro) laptop while transitioning to a Mac (OS X) laptop. I decided (upon principle) to not buy or upgrade to another Windows OS, and as this one slowly dies (first the ability to search my own hard drive went, and lately M$ Outlook won't let me reply or compose new emails) I am moving to the Mac. However, the foregoing could be applicable no matter what OS you use.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
New I.M.mortal: New lower price on Amazon!
My latest book, New I.M.mortal, had been selling on Amazon for $15.95. It's now available from the trusted retail giant for a new lower price. Amazon now has it for only $9.95. Also, all my books are available for Kindle e-readers, at lower prices than their paperback counterparts.
/gp/author/ajax/work_details.html?entity=B0030KCXCU&work=1419672487 |
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
BURIED TREASURE.... Free Cash. Seriously.
BURIED TREASURE.... Free Cash. Seriously. About a grand apiece for everyone. Weird but true...
Watch the video then make your own decision. I know Jeff. He's a friend. Jeff's goal in life as an attorney is to spank big, arrogant companies like BP and Transunion when they do reckless things in the belief that they're too rich and too powerful to be stopped. Jeff's joy is in saying, "You might be rich, but this is America so you're not as powerful as you think."
He's not asking you or anyone else to risk a cent. Jeff is up to his eyebrows in this Transunion thing but he can't keep all the money for himself. He's got to find some citizens with whom to share this cash. So tell your friends. Jeff's best guess is that everyone who files will get about a thousand dollars each. Soon we'll know how close he was to right.
This is not an urban legend. There really is 75 million dollars sitting in a bank in Chicago. Transunion put it there after a federal judge demanded they put 75 million into a fund and the Federal Trade Commission said, "Do it. Do it now." The cash is in the bank and it must be paid out. The deadline is September, 2010.
Remember what I said about stretching beyond your comfort zone? This video will stretch you. It is entertaining at the very least. Watch it, then do what you think best.
The form you need to fill out so that Jeff can file your Transunion claim can be found at
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
A Little Boost From the Wizard of Ads
Roy H. Williams, a.k.a. the “Wizard of Ads” (probably the most well known ad-writer in world), has posted a promo about New IMmortal (my latest book) in a web link in his most recent Monday Morning Memo. Pretty cool, eh?!
Check out the promo here:
PS: The Wizard himself has been working hard raising funds to complete the construction of the classroom tower at Wizard Academy. I want to help. So...
For the next month, proceeds from the sale of my book (New IMmortal) will go to help build Wizard Academy.
(Since practically everyone that I know has already bought my book, any sales in the coming days will be attributed to his promo. The final amount may be large or small, but regardless of the size of the contribution, I want to help. If you know someone who would enjoy my book, don't just loan them your copy. Encourage them to buy a copy.)
PPS: The Wizard's promo about my book says this:
Friday, May 7, 2010
It's All About Scale
You simply have to watch this short video. Amazing!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I don’t deserve it. Any of it.
I don’t deserve the great, majestic Savior I have for a God and who has me for a son.
I don’t deserve the beautiful, sweet, wonderful lady I have for a wife and who has me for a husband.
I don’t deserve the lovely, precious kids I have for children and who have me for a father.
I don’t deserve the kind, awesome people who love me as saints and whom I serve as a pastor.
If you ever feel like anyone owes you something you’re not getting, then be careful about bitterness sprouting.
Ponder how much you have that no one owed to you; that you don’t deserve.
An attitude of gratitude is a result of acknowledging one’s true place.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Back from Vacation
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
TNT Fireworks Coupon (click YES to get)
Having trouble viewing this email? Click Here |
As a valued TNT CLUB MEMBER we are offering you an early opportunity to get This coupon is accepted at all of our TNT Fireworks Stand, Tent & This coupon is good towards all fireworks items such as assortments, |
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Passing of Reverend J.T. Pugh
Google Shuts Down the Chinese Search Engine
As promised, Google will no longer censor search results in China. Google's solution is to redirect users to Google Hong Kong, which shows uncensored results. Google Blog explains this interesting decision:"Users visiting are now being redirected to, where we are offering uncensored search in simplified Chinese, specifically designed for users in mainland China and delivered via our servers in Hong Kong. (...) We want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services, including users in mainland China, yet the Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement. We believe this new approach of providing uncensored search in simplified Chinese from is a sensible solution to the challenges we've faced—it's entirely legal and will meaningfully increase access to information for people in China."
It's obvious that Google Hong Kong will be blocked in China and this workaround is only temporary. Google wanted to continue operating in China without censoring search results: "In terms of Google's wider business operations, we intend to continue R&D work in China and also to maintain a sales presence there, though the size of the sales team will obviously be partially dependent on the ability of mainland Chinese users to access"
Google agreed to censor search results in China four years ago because it hoped that things will get better over time. Here's an excerpt from a Google blog post written in 2006:
"We aren't happy about what we had to do this week, and we hope that over time everyone in the world will come to enjoy full access to information. But how is that full access most likely to be achieved? We are convinced that the Internet, and its continued development through the efforts of companies like Google, will effectively contribute to openness and prosperity in the world. Our continued engagement with China is the best (perhaps only) way for Google to help bring the tremendous benefits of universal information access to all our users there."
Unfortunately, Google's optimism was misplaced: "Google and more than twenty other U.S. companies had been the victims of a sophisticated cyber attack originating from China" and there were many "attempts over the last year to further limit free speech on the web in China including the persistent blocking of websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Docs and Blogger".
Google China's homepage until today:
Google Chine's new homepage:
Labels: Web Search
This decision has profound implications.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Jeannette Joseph's Retirement Party (03-18-2010)
For anyone who would like to get a glimpse into my Mama’s retirement party, this is a 10.5 minute video that I made, using pics and video taken on my cell phone (Palm Treo):
Jeannette Joseph's Retirement Party was held on her 74th birthday, 3/18/2010.
She worked for the DA's office for 29 years (First Judicial District of Louisiana). She was highly spoken of by both the DA and her immediate boss.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
David K. Bernard Inaugurated Superintendent of UPCI
St Louis – March 6, 2010
The United Pentecostal Church International inaugurated the Reverend Doctor David K. Bernard as general superintendent of the 3-million-member organization Friday evening. The ministers of the organization selected Reverend Bernard at their 85th annual General Conference held in St Louis last October.
The inauguration service was held at The Sanctuary in Hazelwood, Missouri, with a reception that followed at New Life Center in Bridgeton, Missouri. There were five speakers: Reverend Rodney Shaw, Austin, Texas; Reverend Darrell Johns, Atlanta, Georgia; Reverend Ken Gurley, Pearland, Texas; Reverend Bernard’s father, Reverend Elton Bernard, Gonzales, Louisiana; and Reverend David K. Bernard gave his inaugural address.
David K. Bernard founded New Life United Pentecostal Church of Austin, Texas, out of which sixteen additional churches were started under his leadership. He is also the founding president of Urshan Graduate School of Theology. He earned a doctor of jurisprudence with honors from the University of Texas, a master of theology from the University of South Africa (where he is also completing his doctoral dissertation), and a bachelor of arts magna cum laude in mathematical sciences and managerial studies from Rice University. The author of thirty books with over seven hundred fifty thousand copies in print, he has been published in thirty-six languages and has ministered in forty-six countries on six continents. He and his wife, Connie, have three children—Daniel, Lindsey, Jonathan and his wife, Sara—and one grandson, Elijah.
The United Pentecostal Church International, headquartered in St Louis, has 30,000 churches in 192 nations around the world and a ministerial membership of 27,000. It was formed in 1945 from the merger of two previously established organizations. The UPCI emerged out of the Pentecostal movement that began in Topeka, Kansas, in 1901. It traces its organizational roots to October 1916, when a large group of ministers withdrew from the Assemblies of God over the doctrinal issues of the oneness of God and water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. Reverend Bernard is the seventh general superintendent in the church organization’s history.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tried to Surprise Mama, But She Saw This Pic of Us on Facebook!
This photo of us was taken by a waitress in Papadeaux Seafood Kitchen in Dallas, a wonderful place where we stopped to eat after my sister, Janet, and my niece, Amber, picked me up at the airport today in Dallas. After eating delicious seafood, we made the drive to Shreveport, where I had hoped to surprise by Mother. I had “sneaked” there to honor her on her 74th Birthday and her Retirement Party (all to occur tomorrow). However, Janet accidentally gave the surprise away too soon. She made the mistake of posting this and other photos of us on Facebook from her iPhone while we were in the restaurant. Mama logged on and saw us. BUSTED! LOL. Thanks for praying for me for a safe trip! PS: Amber is not Janet’s daughter. She is the daughter of my brother, Warren.
Pastor Doug Joseph on holiday for his Mother's Birthday & Retirement Party
This photo of me was taken by my sister, Janet, today in Dallas, after she picked me up. The location in the background is Papadeaux Seafood Kitchen, a wonderful place where we stopped to eat. Thanks for praying for me for a safe trip!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Technology is supposed to make life easier and better, but often the proliferation of gadgets, gizmos, and software just makes our lives more complicated and drains our available free time. Furthermore, just when you thought you had learned all the rules, methods, syntax, object orientations, encapsulations, wherefores, therefores, why-fors, and GUI’s… suddenly, PHUI: the ground beneath you moves, the bottom is dropped out, and whole new way is invented for doing stuff you never really needed to do in the first place.
However, falling behind the pace of advancement can be as problematic as attempting to stay relatively near the cutting edge. The crowds are fickle. The winds of popularity can change in a blink, and the crowds flit from one platform to another like a huge flock of frightened birds. Keeping a set of software tools extendable, easy to use, and likeable, keeps people invested, and you get to keep using a platform with which you’re familiar.
Some relief can be found in the realm of free, open-source, group supported software projects like WordPress. WordPress’ methods, setup, interface, plug-ins, group participation, and progressiveness, etc, are really moving in the right direction. But enough about WordPress. Right now I’m giving Posterous a once over. We will let you all know what we think about it.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Quark XPress: Find and Replace Soft Returns with Hard Returns
In the 'Find / Change" dialog box (CTRL+F or COMMAND+F):
\n = soft returns (new line but not a new paragraph)
\p = hard returns (new paragraph)
Also... A BONUS TIP:
\b = new page (when inserted, moves all subsequent text to the next page)
Note: In your actual document, the "invisible character" version of the new page code (above), when viewed with "Show Invisibles" (CTRL+I or COMMAND+I) looks like two downward arrows stacked vertically (or perhaps like a tiny tree or a tiny flower growing). Umm, sorry, that is the best description I can give.
Here's a neat trick. Whenever you need to know how to find and replace something odd, like one of the above codes, first "Show Invisibles" (CTRL+I or COMMAND+I) and then highlight (in your document) one of whatever you need to find or replace with. Then copy it, and click into your "Find / Change" dialog box (CTRL+F or COMMAND+F) and paste.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Be the Base
You see, our state’s laws about fireworks are set for safety as the highest priority. Pretty much anything that “blows up” or “goes up” is illegal to buy or sell. All that’s left (legitimately) are lower-powered, ground-based sparkler shows. Handheld sparklers do legally allow a human to be the “base.” One could theoretically jump off a house while holding a sparkler if he really was desperate to see an air launch. We really don’t recommend that! (These are the jokes, people.)
Each year in late June and early July, our church operates a fireworks tent as a fundraiser. We’re Christians. As such, we are, or at least try our best to be, law-abiding citizens. Thus we only sell the ground-based, glorified sparklers. Each year loads of people come in asking us if we have “the good stuff” (by which they mean stuff that can blow off a man’s hand if an accident occurs). We always say no. Some don’t believe us until we say it two or three times. Seems like they’re going by the “two or three witnesses” rule in the Bible. (These are the jokes, people. Sorry.)
We buy some of our own product. Early on we were advised that when it comes to getting the maximum “show” out of these legal, “safe and sane” fireworks, it helps to set them up on a base. We learned that was true. If you build and use a base, then the upward shower of beautifully colored sparks climbs higher into the air before being pulled back down by gravity. Also, the downward journey is part of the show, too. So, if the sparks have further to fall before hitting the ground, viewers have more time to enjoy them on their way.
There are many influences on the formation of one’s heart and character. One’s parents are crucial among them all. Other influences include culture (especially via media), friends, enemies, adults (especially teachers), etc. Obviously, not everyone receives influence from the Bible during their upbringing, but it certainly can be a major influence, if received. The same goes for church. God can and does often seek to influence regardless of the absence of church and the Bible, but whether His Spirit’s voice and its effects are accepted or rejected is left up to the individual. That is by His choice. What’s more, in the beginning of each life, the parents have great sway on whether a child hears or ignores God.
Some people wrongly presume that upon one’s conversion, God suddenly and automatically makes up for all the developmental shortfalls in their past. Not so in most cases. This is apparently why the Bible stresses to parents that we are to bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
While it is true that God can help a person to overcome great disadvantages, the fewer disadvantages there are present to overcome, the easier it will be for that believer to “go higher” in their journey for the Lord during this life. Downfalls such as being taught wrong values, illiteracy, not being taught good character traits, sickness, and aging, etc, form a type of “gravity” that forces us—the spark—downward, resulting in a lower zenith than was potentially available. One’s physical death corresponds to the spark hitting the ground and dying out (at least insomuch as this life is concerned).
A believer who was raised in truth and taught godly values during their formative years can often reach a higher zenith than can a believer who was not (and who has therefore suffered more developmental deficits). This simple statement is defensible both from Scripture and from actual observations of real life. Paul’s writings to the younger minister, Timothy, show that the positive effects of Tim’s godly upbringing by a righteous mother and grandmother were visible in him.
Dads are especially important in building the base for the child(ren). Dads, if you don’t know what to say during family devotions then get some help; seek some resources. There are lots of resources out there. Use Google. Most importantly, use the Bible. The bottom line is that if you don’t read the Bible—if you don’t know it and believe it—then you won’t be able to teach it to your kids. However, while family devotions very well should include a time of simply reading from the Bible, much more can be added.
In a recent message the Vision Forum said, “Over the years, we have found that one of the best discipleship aids is a good story. Children relate to the experiences of others, and a well-told tale with a Christ-centered message can permanently impress important truths upon a young person’s heart.” We couldn’t agree more.
As a dad himself, this author is currently reading The Chronicles of Narnia (by C.S. Lewis) to our kids during our devotions. They love it! We’re also drawing upon some great apostolic resources, such as “Devotions with Dad”, written by Daniel J. Koren, a Home Missionary licensed with the United Pentecostal Church International. Koren’s lessons are freely available at, and each one includes a private message to dads, a “Rusty Story” to be read to the kids, and a suggested Bible passage to be read and discussed. (Discussion questions are provided.)
No rocket or spacecraft ever reached orbit or outer space without a launch pad. Parents, it is not only your privilege, but also your responsibility to be the launch pad for your children. Regardless of whether your parents provided you a good base or not, you have the potential to do more for your kids than what was done for you. Moms and dads, we hate to break this to you, but sacrificing to be the base for your child’s higher zenith in God probably means that you get to be the bucket and bin. You may wind up with burn marks, but it will be worth it for all eternity. Build the base. Be the base. We’re here to help.
Monday, February 1, 2010
The states are the answer (
Saturday, January 30, 2010
My high school praised by US News & World Report as one of best schools in the nation (top 3%)

Over the years the wonderful faculty and dedicated students continued to build on the school's stellar foundation, expanding the vision into a full blown tradition. The school's history of excellence has been noted and rewarded by US News & World Report for the last three years running. The following is quoted from an article on the Business Images Northwest Louisiana website:
Caddo Parish Magnet High School was one of two area schools recently recognized by U.S. News & World Report.According to the school's own website (as of the time of this posting), that honor has been bestowed three years in a row:
When U.S. News & World Report analyzed thousands of schools to identify the best high schools of 2008, two Northwest Louisiana schools made the list.
Caddo Parish Magnet High School in Shreveport was awarded a silver medal by the national magazine, signifying the school’s ranking in the top 3 percent of high schools analyzed nationwide.
U.S. News & World Report named 31 Louisiana high schools among "America's Best High Schools." Caddo Magnet was recognized with a silver medal ranking for the third consecutive year. This award is based on their college readiness index, which measures the extent to which students are exposed to and master some college-level material while in high school. Only five Louisiana high schools earned silver medals, and Caddo Magnet is the only one of those in north Louisiana.