Monday, October 31, 2011

How to install OS X Leopard 10.5.8 on Dell Inspiron 2200 laptop

After quite a bit of research and attempting several different methods, I found that the easiest way for me to get the highest version of OS X Leopard (10.5.8) installed onto an old Dell Inspiron 2200 laptop was to use iDeneb 1.6, which gets the 10.5.8 kexts (think: drivers) installed (but does not get the video working), and then go behind it and run iDeneb 1.4, leaving everything unchecked except for the audio (choosing AC97) and the video (choosing GMA900). The reason is because while iDeneb 1.4 only goes up to 10.5.6, it has audio and video drivers that actually work on this unit. Once finished, Mac's built-in Software Update feature can be used to get the latest updates from Apple for all the various things, such as Java, iTunes, etc. Also, since 10.5.8 was the final update for the Leopard OS (10.5), the system will not prompt for any OS update beyond that which the machine and the drivers can support. By the way, I installed a 1GB ram chip, bringing this unit's total ram to 1.25 GB. It is working very well. Here are the pertinent iDeneb settings:

Installing iDeneb 1.6 (the first pass) the following are to be checked:
  • iDeneb Main system
  • iDeneb OSx86 Components 10.5.8 Ready
  • Bootloader: 
  • Chameleon v2

  • Kernel: 

    • 9.8.0 Kernel Qoopz

  • iDeneb x86 Essential Patches

    • Apple Decrypt
    • Disabler
    • DSDT Patcher
    • Time Machine Fix
    • OpenHaltRestart
    • PS/2 Drivers
    • VooDooPS2Controller
    • VooDooPS2 Trackpad

  • AboutThisMac Fix
  • SystemProfiler Fix
  • Fix: 

    • CPUS=1_Fix
    • Firewire Remove
    • Sealbelt Fix

  • Drivers: 

    • Audio: 
    • VooDooHDA (had to later be selected as AC97 during iDeneb 1.4)

  • Chipset: 

    • ICHx Fixed

  • Network: 

    • Ethernet
    • Intel100ProVE

  • Wireless: 

    • Broadcom Wifi

  • System Management: 

    • SpeedStep
    • VooDooPower
    • GenericCPUPMControl

  • Video: 

    • Intel
    • GMA 950 Laptop (had to later be selected as GMA 900 during iDeneb 1.4)
    Running the install of iDeneb 1.4 (the second pass) the following are to be checked:
        • Audio: 
        • AC97
      • Video: 
        • Intel
        • GMA 900

    Pastor J

    Wednesday, October 26, 2011

    Word of the Day


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Zeitgeist (German pronunciation: [ˈtsaɪtɡaɪst] ( listen)) is "the spirit of the times" or "the spirit of the age." [1] Zeitgeist is the general cultural, intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and/or political climate within a nation or even specific groups, along with the general ambiance, morals, sociocultural direction, and mood associated with an era.

    The term is a loanword from German Zeit – "time" (cognate with English "tide" and "time") and Geist – "spirit" (cognate with English "ghost").

    Posted via email from

    Monday, October 24, 2011

    Pray for Sis. Bev Feathers

    Sis. Bev Feathers fell on this past Saturday. She dislocated her wrist, which they set, and broke her thumb and a wrist bone. She is wearing a cast right now, and she is in a lot of pain. They are waiting to see if the dislocation will stay. If not, they will have to do surgery to place a pin. She really needs our prayers. Please help us pray. Thank you!

    Posted via email from CAC Prayer Wall

    Tuesday, October 18, 2011

    "The King Who Sees" - A reminder from the Altar

    There is something so powerful about the way God's presence puts everything in proper perspective when we approach Him openly and honestly. Bowed before His glory, no petty rationalization, biased justification, defensive argument, or attempted distraction can be offered. What's the use of such antics when one is beholden to the King Who Sees your heart's deepest crevices?

    "Have no confidence in the flesh" (Philippians 3:3b).

    The way up is down. The death of the carnal is the end of the curse. When we lay our carnality on the altar, He helps us to mortify the sinful nature's deeds (Romans 8:13).

    Don't try to hide that which cannot be hidden from Him. Don't waste life's days refusing to acknowledge or confront the innermost defects and problems resulting from unwise choices. We are all casualties of the curse. Yet when, through humble repentance before Him, we divest ourselves of carnal aspects that harbor the curse, we see Him work a change that overpowers the curse and delivers us from "the body of this death."

    If you have not offered yourself before Him in this way, or perhaps you have yet not for a while, then don't delay. Mere moments of true openness before Him does more than could ever be accomplished by going through "religious" motions. The stench of flesh is not that which ascends while the carnal nature is burning on the altar. A thousand times no. The true stench of flesh is that odor of sin, pride, and self-will, that foulness that oozes from our pores as we attempt to live our life on our own, without trusting Him by building an altar and laying ourselves upon it. Cry out with Paul, "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death" (Philippians 3:10). 

    "For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live" (Romans 8:13).

    Saturday, October 8, 2011

    Cool: external "Lion Recovery" fits on meager 2GB drives!


    If you buy a newer Mac laptop that comes preloaded with the new OS X Lion, it won't come with any recovery discs. There is now a hidden, protected partition on the laptop's hard drive that can be booted into by holding down "Option" during start up. It will help you in restoration. You can either use it to attempt repair of your drive's existing files, or it will help you "nuke and repave" (wipe all and reinstall everything).

    So my next question was, does Apple have or allow a "burn your own recovery discs" feature like other companies provide?

    Well, check out this:

    Apple has released an app that you can download (free), which can turn any USB-connected drive (such as, for instance, a USB thumbdrive) into an external emergency recovery partition.

    According to the Apple website:

    Built right into OS X Lion, Lion Recovery lets you repair disks or reinstall OS X Lion without the need for a physical disc.

    The Lion Recovery Disk Assistant lets you create Lion Recovery on an external drive that has all of the same capabilities as the built-in Lion Recovery: reinstall Lion, repair the disk using Disk Utility, restore from a Time Machine backup, or browse the web with Safari.

    Note: In order to create an external Lion Recovery using the Lion Recovery Assistant, the Mac must have an existing Recovery HD.

    I downloaded it, and succeeded while using a meager 2GB thumbdrive! Obviously, the folks at Apple put some thought into how small of a drive they would support. I am amazed they decided to support drives as small as 2GB. Either they did some awfully tight compression, or they limited how much gets included in the recovery. For example, new Macs come with not only OS X Lion, but also iLife. Are they squeezing both onto that 2GB thumbdrive?

    That question led me to reinsert the thumbdrive. Previously, before I had ejected it after it was first made, it showed up in the Finder as a disk image with an App file on it. When I resinserted it to check it more carefully, nothing at all shows up in Finder. Hmm. I had a memory come to mind of a character from the Lord of the Rings movies saying (about the ring), "Keep it secret. Keep it safe." Oh, well. I'm not willing to attempt a dry run of restoring, just to find out what it does.

    It seems like a wise precaution to visit the link, download the free assistant, and make your own emergency recovery drive. Why? If your hard drive suffers a melt-down that is merely file related, then your hidden recovery partition will be fine. But if it suffers full blown mechanical failure, then you could easily find yourself unable to access anything at all on the drive. If you wind up having to buy and install a new drive (and you're no longer under Apple Care) it would really help you to have this emergency drive. It takes only moments to download and create yours, and 2GB thumbdrives are dirt cheap.

    In a somewhat-related vein, remember that if you bought a downloadable copy of OS X Lion ($29.99), there is a process by which you can legally burn an installation DVD of it. I know it works, because I have done it.

    Posted via email from

    Tuesday, October 4, 2011

    iPhone 4s is very cool, but...

    My rant earlier today about the so-called reputable sources being not so reputable, is now vindicated. Apple finally announced, not the iPhone 5, but just the iPhone 4s. Speaking of which, the iPhone 4s is very cool, but it's not what the iPhone 5 has been touted to become. We still need a changeable battery and the freedom to insert our own (affordable) storage medium, like a micro SD, for example. Can you say, "Milk it for all it's worth?" Oh well. It is what it is. Now off the store to go buy one. :-)

    Posted via email from

    iPhone 5 Release!


    We have it from reputable sources that...

    All the other reputable sources are disreputable. The "company" (aka Apple, Inc.) are masters of buzz, and part of their wizardry is in getting all these people/sites/news outlets to quoting "sources" that don't know what they're talking about, most times without even using quotes, sometimes without using names (or, when they do, not names that have "Apple, Inc." in them or even remotely connected to them), and without using any concrete details. Anyhoo,

    We have it from reputable sources that...

    Today, October 4, 2011, Apple may or may not unveil the iPhone 5, and it may or may not have a tear-drop form factor, and it may or may not be available within two to three weeks after the maybe/maybe not unveiling today.

    Sorry for the rant. Went online to see if today's Apple event had already taken place, and if so, what the report was. I found nothing but wild speculation, finally thought, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Well, actually I thought, "I am about as qualified to speculate as any of these so-called sources," and I decided to post a rant. I feel better. Thank you for reading. Click comment to vent your own rant. Or just to make me feel better. Or just because you can.

    We "less-than-three" you Tim/Tom Cook! Or whatever your name is. <3

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