Friday, August 28, 2009

Court orders Christian student to attend public school (

Folks, this is alarming. It is truly scary how far religious freedom in America has eroded. Prepare to be amazed.

Court orders Christian student to attend public school (

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  1. So basically if someone responds in such a manner as the girl, they must immediately report for re-education.

    Socialistic Atheism at its best.

  2. Yes, that's basically the gist of it. If a parent who is a Christian actually practices the part of Christianity in which our parents bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, so that the children are converted and actually become Christians, then the courts and our current culture think we're damaging our children and we must be forced to allow the state to re-educate our children. This case decision frustrates and alarms me greatly.
